Nationalpark Marathon in der Schweiz 28.08.2021

Mit Start in Scuol führte die Paradestrecke vom Unterengadin ins Val Müstair nach Livigno und über das Oberengadin einmal rund um den Schweizerischen Nationalpark herum. Über 90% der 141 km führten auf attraktivem, nicht asphaltierten Untergrund.

Hüseyin Celebi 🥇 1. cat/14. ov von 374 Männern ! 06:22,47 für 141km/ 3.848hm 👍👏

„Took me 6:22 and battle for the first place continued until last kilometers. Interesting route with very fast sections and a giant climb in the middle. %17 average with %30 sections, going up to 2680m in 35 minutes. I had to stop only once due to loosing grip, otherwise no walking 😉. Some of the descents were deadly if you lose it and fall out of the track. No barrier, no security at every 5 meters shouting you to slow down. Nanny state must have overslept :))“

/von Doris Tabeling